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5 reasons why your small business should outsource software development

Atualizado: 7 de abr. de 2022

Throughout the world, there’s a high demand for software developers (in the United States, for example, the industry is expected to grow by 22 percent by 2030) but also a limited supply.

Because of this challenge, lots of companies are choosing to outsource software development to developers in other countries.

Have you ever thought about this option? If so, keep reading.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the top 5 benefits of outsourcing software development for your small business. You’ll also find some tips on how to choose the best software development company for your needs.

How Does Software Development Outsourcing Work?

Software development outsourcing involves working with a third party — rather than an in-house developer — to create custom software products.

Lots of large corporations rely on outsourcing to save money while continuing to meet customer or client demands. However, many small businesses also find this to be a viable option to help them to scale their companies.

Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Software Development for Your Small Business

Outsourcing software development provides a lot of benefits for small businesses. The following are the top 5 most noteworthy ones to keep in mind:

1. Save Money and Maximize Resources

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing software development to a third-party company is that it can help you save money.

When you work with a software development team, you don’t have to worry about paying salaries for an in-house developer or developers. You also don’t have to worry about finding an office that’s big enough to accommodate everyone, covering the cost of equipment, and dealing with all the other expenses that come with expanding your team.

For many small businesses, cash flow is a high-level concern (and one of the most common reasons for failure). If you can reduce expenses by outsourcing software development, this will ease some of the strain on your budget. You’ll also make better use of company resources and be able to spend money on other things.

2. Speed Up Time to Market

Sometimes, working with an in-house developer or development team is slower than outsourcing to a third-party development agency.

The best third-party developers have access to lots of resources. They also have an entire team of professionals working for them, from developers and project managers to quality assurance experts.

These extensive resources allow them to work more quickly and get your software finished sooner. As a result, you’ll be able to reduce your time to market and start profiting from your software faster than you’d be able to otherwise.

Working with a development agency in another country also helps to speed up time to market by taking advantage of timezone differences. Their developers can work while your team is sleeping or off the clock, which means you may be able to get projects wrapped up faster.

3. Access the Latest Technology and Increase Product Quality

In addition to having a whole team of skilled developers and professionals on their side, third-party software development companies also have access to the latest technology. They may even have tools in their offices that you can’t afford to buy for an in-house developer.

When you outsource software development and partner with a third-party agency, you get to reap the benefits of the latest tools and technologies. This can increase product quality and provide you with better software than you would’ve had otherwise.

When you launch high-quality software, you’ll find that your customers are more satisfied with the product. This will boost your business’s reputation and increase the likelihood that people will continue working with you in the future (which is great for your bottom line).

4. Scale Your Business More Easily

Right now, you’re running a small business. That might not always be the case, though.

Eventually, your company is going to grow, and you’re going to be met with new challenges and requirements. As your business expands, you’ll find that you need to scale your IT support and expand your software development capabilities.

If you can’t afford to hire more employees to help you scale your business, you may end up with cash flow issues, quality issues, and customer satisfaction issues. Working with a third-party development team can help you avoid all of these and more.

Third-party developers have the resources and equipment needed to easily expand and meet your business’s ever-changing needs. This helps you achieve your long-term goals and keep your business running as smoothly as possible as it grows.

5. Increase Focus on Core Competencies

When it comes to software development, third-party companies do all the heavy lifting for you.

Not only do you not have to worry about paying an in-house developer or developers, but you also don’t have to worry about micromanaging development projects and making sure things get done on time. The best third-party developers handle all of this for you and provide updates as needed to keep you in the loop about the status of your project.

With your worries about software development abated, you and your team will have more time to focus on other important things.

Because you outsourced software development, you will be free to handle the tasks that are directly related to your skillsets. Over time, this will help you to increase your business’s productivity and profitability.

How to Choose a Software Development Company

Now that you’re better versed in the benefits of outsourcing software development, are you interested in pursuing this option? If so, you must make sure you’re choosing the right development team for the job.

Here are 5 tips that will help you narrow down your options and outsource to the right company:

1. Establish Goals

Start by sitting down with your team and figuring out what you want to accomplish by working with a software development company.

What do you want from your finished software product? How soon do you want to be able to get it on the market? How much do you want to spend?

Setting clear goals from the beginning helps you to narrow down your options when researching different developers. You won’t have to worry about wasting time looking into developers who can’t do what you want and need.

2. Check Out Portfolios

Before you decide to work with any type of third-party developer, look at their portfolio. Check out the past software products they’ve created and decide whether or not they align with your preferred style, as well as the needs and goals of your business.

If possible, try to find someone who has created products similar to the one you want to create. This ensures you don’t waste time partnering with a developer who doesn’t have the experience and skills your business needs to succeed.

3. Read Reviews

Always read reviews for third-party development companies, too. Find out what past and current customers have to say before you choose a specific agency to handle your software development project.

Look for reviews and testimonials published on third-party sites if possible. These will provide a more objective view of the company and will provide more insight into the pros and cons of each developer.

4. Set Up a Consultation

Most third-party software developers will provide you with a free consultation or quote to help you get a sense of what they can do for your business.

If a developer offers this option, be sure to take them up on it. You can learn a lot about a potential business — including how well their team members communicate — based on these consultations, even when they’re short.

5. Ask the Right Questions

To get the most out of your consultation, you need to ask the right questions. The following are some of the most important ones to ask during the meeting:

  • How much experience do you have working with businesses like mine?

  • What is your software development process like? What kind of steps do you go through to get a quality product?

  • How easy is it for me to get in touch with you if I have questions or concerns?

  • What are your security practices?

  • How many people will be working on my project? Will a project manager be overseeing it?

  • What is your testing process?

  • Do you offer ongoing maintenance and support?

Take note of how many questions the developers ask you, too.

In general, the more questions they ask, the better. This shows that they’re committed to providing a quality experience and want to know as much as they can about your business before getting started.

Outsource Small Business Software Development Today

Are you ready to start outsourcing software development so you can grow your small business and set it up for long-term success? If so, we’re here to help at JoliFox.

JoliFox is a software development company that provides our clients with access to an entire team of developers — including a software manager.

We don’t limit the scope of your projects and are happy to work with you for as long as you need. We also offer competitive rates and can help you create high-quality, high-performing software at a budget-friendly price.

Image source: Unsplash

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